Start with the end in mind – i.e. the product, not the result!
Terms of Reference should always be in place
Analysis and Preparation – Use PEACE Model
Know what you are investigating, that is, what question you have to answer
Know the limits of your powers. What gives you the authority to do what you are doing?
Methodology – keep a record of correspondence and steps taken
Identify the information you need (Gap Analysis) at each stage, and prepare the questions to get it. Think about how you might manage ‘no comment’ interviews
Manage Records of Interview and other evidence, and control the flow of data. Ensure you’re clear on who should get what information
Schedule your investigation time realistically – NB back office work
Share all substantive information – information should be put to the parties before it can be used to ground a decision or finding
Create an Investigator’s pack for each interview
Use unambiguous correspondence, and always set deadlines
Be consistent with procedures – NB different investigators/investigations/parties
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